Meet Our Great Gums Brush

For patients with gum inflammation, periodontal issues, or who simply want to level up their multi-step oral care routine, our version of the interdental brush is an eco-conscious alternative to common plastic ones.

Great Gums Brush 25-Pack (10 qty)


Look at That Winning Smile

Our plaque-excavating Cocofloss is a 2024 winner of the Allure Best of Beauty Awards! Because when our floss gets to work our gums are pinker, our breath is fresher, and our smile glows from the inside out.

Shop Cocofloss

Smile Care System

a new kind of oral care

Our line is built on a foundation of innovation designed by co-founder Dr. Chrystle Cu. Plaque-scrubbing floss. Toothpaste that strengthens naturally. The pinnacle of toothbrush softness. Presented in the wildest of flavors that energize beyond standard mint.

For Your Front Office


Goody Bags

Patient obsessed

we aim to delight

We've perfected new oral care solutions that give patients that “dentist-level” clean and shine so we can all be brighter every day.

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